饮迷酒吧行业颁奖盛典东区获奖名单揭晓 East Regional Winners Announced
Hello, Nanjing! It was such a pleasure to see our trade friends gather at The Ritz-Carlton, Nanjing, to celebrate the East Regional DRiNK Awards 2022.今年,上海的表现依然强势:15项东区大奖都被来自上海的入围者夺得。这其中一个重要原因是大多数东区注册评委都来自上海——上海酒吧行业的成员努力参与了投票过程,而其他城市的参与感还不够强。这一点自然反映在了颁奖结果上。
Shanghai dominated the list of winners again this year - it won all of the 15 categories. One important reason was that the majority of the east regional judges were from Shanghai. Shanghai got all the votes because the Shanghai industry made the effort, but the rest of the cities didn’t take part to a level that would make a difference.为此,我们做出了一个重要决定:明年我们将把上海从东区移出,把它设置为一个单独的区域,从而让东区其他城市拥有更多获奖机会。另外,我们将努力在全国范围内招募更多评委,当然也包括东区,让更多业内人士参与到投票过程中来。
This shows us two things that need to change next year. We need to remove Shanghai from the east region and make Shanghai its own region. We will also endeavour to make even more of an effort to recruit more judges across the country.最后,让我们为东区所有获奖者和入围者献上热烈的掌声和欢呼!
2022饮迷酒吧行业东区颁奖盛典获奖名单East Regional DRiNK Awards 2022 Winners
再次恭喜!以上这些获奖者将代表中区角逐全国大奖,而最终结果将于12月在上海的全国颁奖盛典上揭晓。扫描二维码,获取盛典当晚的现场照片。Again, big congratulations to all the winners! Now they're in the race for the much covted national awards on behalf of the central region and the results will be revealed in Shanghai in December. Scan the QR code below for more photos at the awards ceremony and after party.
The North Regional DRiNK Awards 2022 has been moved online.
Please tune in for the live stream!直播日期 / Date 10月24日周一, Monday, October 24(具体时间稍后通知 Time TBC)Bilibili
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